Month: October 2014
Dave Orbock setting up his Panoramic Camera among Tent Rocks during the IAPP Santa Fe Conference Week
360 degree photo taken by Fran Gardino.
Note to Epson Gold and Silver Pano Award Winners
If you are a Gold or Silver Winner of the 2014 Epson International Pano Awards, then you are entitled to a free year of membership to the IAPP, International Association of Panoramic Photographers. To register with the IAPP, click on the “Join Us” under the “Membership” tab at the top of the IAPP Home Page. …
IAPP New Board of Directors as of October 8th, 2014
Date: October 8, 2014 Location: IAPP Panoramic Conference – Santa Fe, New Mexico IAPP Business Meeting – Election of Officers President –Dave Kutz President-Elect – OPEN Secretary – Fran Gardino Treasurer – Tom Sheckels Past President – Paul Speaker BOD Members at large (4) Glenn Cope Kay Larkin (New Board Member) Ray Pfeiffer (New Board…