International Association of Panoramic Photographers
1. Administration
1.1 The Secretary will take minutes at every meeting and the minutes will be prepared and distributed within 7 but no later than 14 days after the meeting. Minutes shall be approved if not corrected with 30 days.
1.2 Each year when the policy manual is published a copy of the manual shall be posted in the January issue of the e-Monitor and on our web site.
1.3 No officer, director, employee, agent, or any other person employed by the association shall publicly comment on or discuss in writing or orally the prices charged by any member of the Association, reprimand or discuss a controversy between two members or a member and a third party with those individual concerned or otherwise in any way enter into a controversy between two competitors or a customer and his/her supplier of goods or services, without the prior approval of the President and Legal Counsel of the Association.
1.4 IAPP letterhead shall be used only for official IAPP business, with care being taken that IAPP not be placed in the position of having endorsed a product or service.
2. Awards
2.1: The President of the Association shall have authority to bestow written commendations or certificates of appreciation to members or organizations whose accomplishments are praiseworthy or represent industry milestones.
2.2: The Life Membership does not have to be given at every awards banquet and should only be given with unanimous consent of the board.
2.3: Service Awards
2.3.1: The Secretary will record member’s merits on an annual basis. Members can download a merit request form from our web site. It should also be published in the first PANORAMA of the year and the January Issue of the e-Monitor to get merits for the previous year.
2.3.2: Members who do not pay dues will loose any unused merits after two years if they do not rejoin the IAPP. They will not loose any awards they earned while members in good standing
2.3.3: Service Awards will be given to members according to the following schedule:
Acceptance in IAPP Print Show: 1 Merit
Special Award, e.g., best of category: 2 Merits
IAPP Service Merit
- Membership per annum: 1 Merit
Work at IAPP booth at PPA or other venue: 2 Merits
Sign new member: 1 Merit
Sign new sponsor: 2 Merits
Enter print competition: 1 Merit
Convention Attendance: 1 Merit
Conference Attendance: 1 Merit
Program Speaker (1 hour program any venue): 2 Merits
One Day Workshop Speaker: 3 Merits
Online course (More than one week): 5 Merits
No merits will be awarded to members who receive cash payments for their services
- PANORAMA/ePANORAMA Articles: 2 Merits
Web Master: 3 Merits
PANORAMA Editor: 3 Merits
Board Membership: 3 Merits/term
Committee Membership (Non Board Member): 1 Merit/term
Committee/Conference Chair (Non Board Member): 2 Merits/term
Board Officer in addition to serving on Board: 1 Merit/term
President in addition to serving on Board: 1 Merit/term
2.3.4: Awards are retroactive.
2.3.5: Ribbons & Medallions: A ribbon and medallion will be awarded for the first 25 merits and a bar for each additional 25 merits.
3. Board of Directors
3.1: The President
3.1.1: Acts as spokesman for the Association.
3.1.2: Takes no actions involving commitments of the Association or the Board, or involving changes in policy of the Association or the Board, without prior Board Approval.
3.1.3: Is responsible for overseeing the conduct and continuance of the Association programs previously approved by the Board.
3.1.4: Any expenses incurred by the President of the Association in excess of the President’s approved budget shall be paid by the President out of personal funds.
3.1.5: Is a de facto member of all committees except the nominating committee.
3.1.6: Committee Chairmen appointments are made annually by the President for the upcoming year subject to approval by the Board.
3.1.7: The President Elect – Committee chairman for the PANORAMA Journal
3.2: The Secretary & Treasurer
3.2.1: The Treasurer oversees preparation of required audits, financial statements, and disperses funds.
3.2.2: The Secretary is the custodian of the policy manual, and shall be responsible for a report annually updating said manual.
3.3: Board
3.3.1: Schedule of Board Meetings – Board meetings shall be held at least four (4) times a year, with one Board Meeting being scheduled at the international convention. Board Meetings must end at scheduled time unless unanimous consent is given to extend.
3.3.2: Selection of Dates – The President sets the dates and times and locations for Board meetings, subject to approval by the board.
3.3.3: Complete copies of the minutes will be distributed to all members within 14 days of the meeting when possible, but always before the next meeting.
3.3.4: Online or teleconference board meetings can not be taped recorded unless all members give their permission before the meeting starts; it is essential that motions be clearly stated, preferable in writing if practical, so that there is no doubt as to intent, and that the person making a motion has the obligation of checking the minutes to assure that the intent of the motion is correct in the minutes.
3.3.5: When a committee is appointed, the Board is to be notified, in writing, as soon a practical as to the names of the Chairman and members.
3.3.6: Actions pending in the Board minutes should be summarized at the end of the minutes.
3.3.7: No motions are to be made and approved by the Board without estimated costs, revenues, and justification presented being incorporated in that proposal.
3.3.8: The Board minutes are to reflect the actual vote on motions if not unanimous, and the names of dissenting voters will be listed.
3.3.9: Approval of venues for IAPP conferences and events is the responsibility of the Board after receiving recommendations from its members.
3.3.10: Because conferences and events represent the Association, no event shall be planned without the prior approval of the Board.
3.3.11: Dates and locations for the international convention will be approved no later than the ending of the last convention.
3.3.12: The Board may appropriate funds to support any conference or event.
3.3.13: The fee for the conference chairman will be waved if he or she is not a member of the Board.
4. Committees
4.1: There shall be a Board liaison on every committee where the chairman of the committee is not a board member. The President may serve as the Board liaison.
4.2: No individual shall be appointed Chairman of any committee of the Association for more than three consecutive one-year terms.
4.3: Anytime a committee has a meeting and there is a non-Board Committee Chairman, the Board liaison member of that committee must be informed of that meeting.
4.4: All committee chairmen are to be informed that action items of any kind that are contained in any report to the Board are not to be considered approved when the report is filed.
4.5: All persons responsible for submitting reports will write their own reports and those reports shall be sent to the Secretary.
4.6: The President is a member of every committee.
4.7: Awads Committee​
4.7.1: The Awards Committee will consist of Past Presidents, and members of the board, not including the President.
4.7.2: Bylaws, Rules and Ethics Committee shall meet to properly prepare all Board actions requiring bylaw changes.
4.8: Certification Committee​
4.8.1: Certification committee will post the IAPP QPP requirements in the e-Monitor and on the web site.
4.9: Membership Committee
4.9.1: IAPP events and materials can be charged at an increased rate for non-members.
4.10: Nominating Committee
4.10.1: No member or Chairman of the Nominating Committee is eligible to run for any Board of Directors elected position in the year they serve on the Nominating committee.
4.11: Photographic Exhibition Committee
4.11.1: The PEC shall select Jury Chairman and Jurors, determine the rules, composition of juries and select the overall chairman.
4.11.2: PEC will submit a budget to the board for all expenses and awards.
4.11.3: Images from the competition will be displayed on the association web site. Copyright will remain with the photographer.
4.12: Education Committee will research and develop innovative educational offerings for IAPP.
4.13: Industry Advisory Committee
4.13.1: This committee will be comprised of industry representatives and IAPP sponsors.
4.13.2: A representative of the board will serve on the IAC and will report recommendations back to the board.
4.14: International Committee
4.14.1: This committee will address the interests of IAPP international members outside of the USA. It will be chaired by a member who resides outside of the USA.
5. Conflict of Interest
5.1: “Conflict of Interest” means that an individual who is involved in the decision making processes of the Association, with respect to a particular Association matter, program or project, and has a monetary, fiduciary or legal relationship to any other group, organization or entity which also has or may have an interest in the particular Association matter, program or project: and any individual who has a conflict of interest with respect to any particular Association matter, program or project shall abstain from voting on any motion relating to that issue. Such individual shall first disclose his or her conflict of interest before speaking to or discussing any such motion.
5.2: The following persons are covered by the conflict of interest guide:
Board of Directors
5.3: Any gifts of unusual circumstance valued in excess of $25.00 and (of) a general nature should be turned over to the IAPP and the Board of Directors shall determine its use.
5.4: No Board member shall conduct himself or herself in any way as to bring discredit on IAPP or the image making profession.
5.5: All Board members must sign a Conflict of Interest Statement annually.
6. Convention & Meetings
6.1: All future convention sites may be announced at the prior convention.
6.2: The President should appoint a Hospitality committee.
6.3: A member refund policy for each convention and meeting will be posted on the web and in any other announcement or advertisement for the event.
7. Financial Matters
7.1: An annual budget is to be established controlling the use of funds. Only expenditures approved in advance in the budget are authorized, and then only to the extent of the amount in the budget. This is the cornerstone of all controls governing the manner in which IAPP funds are spent. Any expenditure of funds in excess of $25.00 not listed in the annual budget must be pre-approved by the board.
7.2: A Budget shall be drawn up by an executive committee comprised of the President, Past President, President Elect, and Treasurer with input from committee chairs and presented to the board for approval at the November board meeting. It will be voted at the December board meeting and become effective on January 1 of each year.
7.3: A surety bond insuring against the improper use of funds by members should be obtained in the amount of $50,000.00.
7.4: The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet report on IAPP finances for the members on an annual basis for the prior fiscal year by January 31. The Treasurer shall send interim internal financial statements to the board on a quarterly basis. The statement shall consist of a Profit and Loss against budget overview, by month and and a statement of cash flows. A CPA will audit the financial statements annually or other person appointed by the board and distributed by the board upon completion.
7.5: Funds approved by the board for special projects cannot be spent on anything other than the specified project without additional board approval.
7.6: Excess income over expenses shall be received into the general funds, and all projects will receive their expenses from general funds.
7.7: Controls to safeguard the assets and insure that only proper bills are paid shall be established by the Treasurer including the preparation of disbursement supporting documents, including voucher requisitions, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, travel expense forms, etc.
7.8: The Treasurer and the President will have the passwords to the online checking account.
7.9: Significant accounting policies and practices shall be followed in all interim monthly financial statements:
7.9.1: Revenues received in one year for a program to occur in the following year and the related expenses of that program are not taken into revenues or expense until the following year.
7.9.2: The Treasurer shall us the latest version of QuickBooks Pro. The Treasurer will be reimbursed for buying the software.
8. Membership
8.1: Members of the Association deployed into the Armed Forces of the U.S. will not be required to pay dues, and will remain members in good standing as long as the are on active duty in the service. They will receive a PDF copy of the PANORAMA, members who want a printed copy will have to pay a reduced membership rate that reflects the cost of additional postage to send the magazine.
8.2: Full Time Student members will pay 1/2 the membership rate.
8.3: Membership will run for a calendar year from the date dues are paid.
8.4: The Secretary will send out membership renewals.
8.5: The names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and type of cameras and photography done will be listed on the members only section IAPP web site and will be updated monthly by the Secretary.
8.6: All new members will receive a membership packet from the secretary that will include any access passwords and the link to the web address of the archives of the past PANORAMA magazines and the past e-Monitor newsletters.
8.7: International members who receive the PANORAMA magazine via pdf format will pay the same membership rate as USA members. Members who want a printed copy will have to pay a membership rate that reflects the cost of additional postage to send the magazine.​
9. Publications
9.1: The official printed publication of the IAPP is the PANORAMA Journal and it’s objective is to promote and cultivate creativity and diversity in panoramic imaging, business skill, and evolving the profession. It will be published at least once per year.
9.2: The official electronic publication of the IAPP is the e-Monitor and it will be published at least 12 times per year.
9.3: The IAPP will host a web site on the World Wide Web.
10. PPA Affiliation
10.1: The IAPP will maintain membership as an affiliate of the PPA and will pay for the dues of the IAPP President if he or she is not a member during their term of office.
11. Logo
11.1: The IAPP logo and Qualification Logo are trademarks of the International Association of the Panoramic Photographers and may only be used only by members in good standing on their printed materials and websites.
11.2: The IAPP will make the logo available for download for member use on the web site.
11.3: The IAPP logo may not be altered in any way by members without the written authorization of the board.
11.4: Only the IAPP board may authorize the use and alteration of the IAPP logo by advertisers and other non members.